
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


When I went to purchase a new rug for my living room a few months back, I recall how beautiful the rugs made of wool were. I can see how it could be easy during those moments of want to get caught up in desires of material possessions and make such a purchase. But to what expense? The expense that animals must be abused, suffer and die for my wants? I'm so thankful I know what I do about the wool industry. I wouldn't dare want my money going into the pockets of those who abuse, torture and violently kill animals. I went with a gorgeous twine rug instead. ~ Sarah

Most people do not give second thought to purchasing wool products because it's assumed that no cruelty could be involved with what is imagined to be the simple act of sheering sheep for their wool. The unfortunate truth is that there is much cruelty involved.

Sheep in their natural habitat produce just enough wool to protect them from temperature extremes. During the appropriate season, wild sheep shed their wool naturally.

Domestic sheep are genetically manipulated to produce unnatural thick coats so heavy that many of the animals die from heat exhaustion during the hotter months. Unlike sheep found in the wild, domestic sheep cannot shed their fleece. As the wool continues to grow, fly's burrow deep into the wool and lay their eggs on the skin of the sheep. Maggots can eat the sheep alive.

To prevent the sheep from being eaten alive by maggots, ranchers perform what is referred to as mulesing. Large strips of flesh are cut from at the back of the lambs around the tail area without the use of anesthesia.

There are other procedures performed without anesthesia which include punching holes in the years of young lambs, cutting off their tails and castrating baby males between 2 and 8 weeks of age.


Shearing takes place in the spring and most often when the temperatures are to cold. An estimated one million sheep die each year due to pre mature exposure of the cold.

Shearers are not paid by the hour but by volume therefore encouraging fast work without any regard to the welfare of the animal. Ears, tails, teats and strips of skin are cut or ripped off during the shearing process.

When sheep no longer produce enough wool they are sent to the slaughter house. Millions of sheep are exported for slaughter each year. Many must travel long distances without food or water dying on journey or in holding pens. Lambs born during trips are often trampled to death. When they reach the slaughter houses many sheep are conscious while being dismembered alive.

Many investigations have gone underway to reveal what goes on in the shearing sheds. Shearers punch, kick, stomp on sheep and zap them in the face with electric clippers. Shearers have been caught purposely breaking a lambs neck and another hitting the animals head with a hammer.




For more information, you can visit the following link:

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