
Friday, February 6, 2015


This is what we call, "Sick Fashion". 

Being a huge lover of bunnies, it is with heavy burden that I touch on such a topic. However, with no regard to myself in an attempt to forget such things for my own well being and peace of mind, it is far more important to help inform people in effort to save innocent lives.

Over the past couple years, there has been heated outrage as people have become aware of the angora wool trade via undercover video footage shot by Peta Asia (see video link below). Thankfully, due to public furry, some stores such as the GAP have banned use of angora material in their production of clothing. It is when people speak up, boycott products and sign petitions that such progress is made. One should never underestimate the power they have to make a significant difference.


90% of angora wool comes from China where there are no laws or penalties to protect animals. Smaller quantities are produced in Europe, Chile and the United Staes.

Undercover investigators have filmed workers violently ripping the fur from rabbits who's front and back legs are tightly tethered with rope in order to aggressively stretch out the body's skin during this cruel procedure. Rabbits scream at the top of their lungs struggling desperately to escape and many appear to go into shock.

Of the methods to remove rabbit wool, one involves plucking or "scalping" by hand. Workers aggressively yank the wool out from the skin. It is a very brutal method of which rabbits further inflict wounds on themselves in a desperate attempt to break free. The plucking technique results in better quality of wool/fur and more money.

Other ways of removing wool include shearing, or the use of scissors, all of which are a traumatic and painful experience. Bodies are left cut and bloodied.

Living out their days confined to small and filthy cages living in their own waste, these rabbits will be stripped of their fur every three months. In two to five years the surviving victims are hung upside down to have their throats slit and lifeless bodies sold.

It is thought that there are 50 million rabbits living in angora farms in China, producing over 4,000 tones of fur each year.

When people wear angora, there is no doubt they are supporting animal abuse and the slow painful agony of rabbits. Please do not purchase angora materials or products commonly found in fashion and home decor.



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